Mystery of the Melchizedek
Matthew Speaks at Passion for Truth
Want MP3 audio file to listen to or PDF file of the notes go to: I want to introduce you to Yeshua, the King of Righteousness , who the author of the book of Hebrews identifies as Malki-Tzedik!
Want MP3 audio file to listen to or PDF file of the notes go to: What is Torah? Everyone has heard of the Book of the Law, but most never hear of the Book of the Covenant. Covenants of promise (Ephesians 2:12) are distinct, traceable throughout Scripture, and they are available to us today.
Want MP3 audio file to listen to or PDF file of the notes go to: Didn't Yahuwah say He would never break his covenant (Psalms 89:34)? When the Promise Covenant (Genesis 12) had a death penalty (Genesis 15) added to it, our sin nature was bound to make things messy.