A Prophet Is Called

My name is Gerald Barnes.  I was born on November 16, 1952 in the Oak Cliff area of Dallas, Texas where I subsequently grew up.  I was born-again and became a Christian in 1971 at the age of eighteen years after truly hearing the Gospel of Jesus Christ on a one-on-one basis from a Baptist preacher.  My wife Dottie and I were married in June of 1974 and we have been blessed with a wonderful family:  three sons, three daughters-in-law, five grandsons, five granddaughters and two great-granddaughters. 

In October of 2010 I had an awakening to the truth that many of the things in the world are not truly as they appear or as we have been led to believe.  My initial awakening was prompted and facilitated by reading a book entitled, “The Invisible Government” by Dan Smoot. However, I now know that the Almighty GOD was the one truly responsible for waking me up and that He would ultimately use my hunger for truth to prepare me to be a prophet. 

As a result of my 2010 awakening, I subsequently developed a very analytical and conspiratorial mindset.  I began to research and test everything.  No longer would I accept anything at face value.  I became a truth-seeker and as a result GOD enabled me to discover shocking truths about things in this world and about the lies and destruction that Satan and his cabal have perpetrated on mankind and the world.  I found that the rabbit-hole of lies and corruption runs very deep and very wide.  I was shocked to discover these things and to realize that the vast majority of people, including most Christians, were not only oblivious to these truths but had totally bought-in to the lies and the deception of the enemy.

Having learned about the evil agenda of this global cabal, my wife and I began searching for other Christians that had been awakened to these same truths.  As a result of our search, in May of 2014 we began to attend a patriot church in Allen, Texas and became part of a wonderful group of people who, for the most part, were awake to the same truths that GOD had made us aware.

I became a part of a men’s Bible study group at this church, called Band of Brothers that met once a week for Bible study and fellowship.  Being a part of this group was a real blessing and brought forth much spiritual growth and increased understanding about different conspiratorial truths and the hidden things of this world.  The Bible says in Proverbs 27:17 that, “Iron sharpens iron,
and one man sharpens another.” (ESV)  My life was greatly enriched and blessed by all of the men who were involved in this group.  One very special brother, that was part of this group, challenged me to begin researching the cosmos.  He told me that he believed in the geocentric model (earth rather than the sun is the center of the universe).  I thought, this was an unusual viewpoint that ran contrary to everything that I had ever been taught or believed to be true.  Nevertheless, I no longer considered any of my beliefs to be sacred and above examination.  I had long since made it my goal to test everything that I believed on GOD’S altar of truth.

Sometime in 2016 while researching the cosmos I stumbled onto what I believe is the “mother of all conspiracies.”   As a result of this discovery, I prayed a prayer to GOD.  I told Him that if He would continue to reveal truth to me that I would follow it no matter where it would lead me.  I did not realize then how dangerous that prayer was and how it would ultimately change my life.

In the latter half of 2016, while I was continuing my research into the cosmos and the “mother of all conspiracies,” I came across a Christian man who was doing extensive research into this same model.  Through this man and through the research that I was doing, GOD revealed a profound truth to me that He has subsequently used to completely revolutionize my Christian walk.  I immediately dropped my research into the cosmos and focused all of my attention and research on this newest truth that GOD had revealed to me.  I soon discovered that most of the things that I had believed and practiced as a Christian for the last 45-years were based on the traditions of men rather than on the Word of GOD.  As a result of this research, I became aware that I was unknowingly breaking the commandments of GOD and had been doing so for my entire Christian life.  I felt so convicted by the Holy Spirit for the perverted Christian life-style that the enemy had deceived me into following that I wanted to tear my clothes and weep before GOD, just like King Josiah did in 2 Kings 22.

My wife and I began to adjust our Christian walk and we immediately implemented changes in our life that would bring us into complete compliance with the commandments of GOD that we had unknowingly been breaking.  For the first time ever we begin to properly keep the Sabbath (Shabbat).   We set apart the seventh day (Saturday) as Holy unto GOD and we do not work, we do not buy, sell or conduct any commerce whatsoever.  We also do not allow or cause others to work on our behalf.  We began to stay home and rest and spend quality time with YaHuWaH and His Holy Word.  I discovered this quote by an unknown source that completely fit our situation.   “Traditions are handed down in innocence and accepted in ignorance.”  YaHuWaH revealed to us that we have unknowingly been breaking the first four of His Ten Commandments plus a whole host of lesser commandments.  We learned that we have unknowingly and unintentionally been breaking GOD'S commandments because we have been following the traditions of men that were handed down to us from our spiritual forefathers.

In early January of 2017, three months after we had started walking out these new truths that GOD had revealed to my wife and I, GOD began revealing things to me with a very powerful and special anointing.  I had been seeking GOD in prayer regarding a wayward son who mistakenly believes that he is an atheist.  During this time I was asking GOD what I could possibly do in order to reach out to this son.  Over the next several weeks GOD, began to reveal powerful things to me by His Holy Spirit and by His Word.  GOD revealed to me three things.  First, He told me that He is in the process of fixing me because I have been all messed up spiritually.  Second, YaHuWaH revealed to me that He will fix my relationship with all three of my sons that I have destroyed over the past several years because  I had allowed the enemy to influence me to deal with my sons in truth and anger, rather than in truth and love.  Third, YaHuWaH told me that He would use me to assist Him in fixing His family, specifically His pastors and under-shepherds, because, like me, they are unknowingly obeying the traditions of men rather than the commandments of GOD.

Over the next week GOD continued to impress on me through powerful revelations from His Word and from His Holy Spirit that He was calling me to be a prophet to the body of Christ and that my ministry would specifically be to His pastors and under-shepherds.  My wife and I were scheduled to go on our first ever cruise for one-week on January 22, 2017.  On Monday, January 16 we drove up to our country home in Northeast Texas to retrieve some items that we would need for the cruise.  That evening we took our country pastor and his wife out for dinner.  However, I did not disclose to this pastor or his wife any information about the revelations that I had been receiving from GOD regarding my calling as a prophet.  We returned to our home in Grapevine, Texas late that night and about halfway back home, as I was praying and driving, GOD specifically revealed to me that He did not want me to go on the cruise that we had already paid for and booked.  He revealed to me that instead he wanted me to come back up to our country home the following week so that He could give me further confirmation that He was calling me to be a prophet.

Two days later on Wednesday January 18, 2017 I was at the Band of Brothers men’s Bible study meeting.  Everyone there wanted to know why my wife and I had decided not to go on our upcoming cruise.  The moderator allowed me to speak to the whole group of approximately thirteen men, which included the pastor of our church in Allen, Texas.  I first told the men that what I was about to share with them would more than likely cause a spirit of anger to rise up in their heart.  I told them that as a result of the anger they would want to "get in my face" and debate me over what I was sharing.  I further told them that I was there to simply share with them what GOD was doing in my life and that I would not debate them over these things.  I then proceeded to share with the group how GOD had been dealing with me over the past several weeks with a very powerful and special anointing through His Holy Spirit.  I shared with them that my wife and I had come to realize back in October 2016 that we were unknowingly breaking several of GOD’S Ten Commandments and that we had repented and were in the process of correcting those things.  I told them that my wife and I started keeping the seventh-day Sabbath holy and set apart to GOD.  As I shared these things, one brother interrupted me and told me emphatically that the law was a curse to us and that it had been done away with in Christ.  The pastor pointed his finger at me and called me a heretic and stated that I was speaking heresy.  I cautioned the pastor not to call GOD’S Torah heresy.  However, he proceeded to continue his ridicule of GOD'S Torah and me to some of the other men sitting nearby him.  He stated that he planned to go street preaching the following week but that he was not going to tell people that they needed to be circumcised.  I repeatedly told the men that I was not keeping the commandments in order to be saved, but rather I was keeping the commandments because I was saved and because I wanted to please GOD with my obedience to His Word.  I further told them that I did not consider them an enemy because they disagreed with what I was sharing with them and I told all of them that I loved them.  I told them that I hoped that they would also not consider me to be their enemy.  At no time in the meeting did I reveal to any of the men that GOD was calling me to be a prophet.  After the Bible study had concluded and the meeting had ended, I hugged all of the men and again reaffirmed my love for them.

The following Sunday morning we drove to the church in Allen, Texas not knowing what kind of reception would be awaiting us.  In my mind I was thinking that perhaps the men from last Wednesday's Bible study would meet us at the door and not allow me to enter the building.  However, nothing like that occurred.  The pastor and all of the people were very friendly and cordial as usual.  It was an awesome worship service and GOD moved in a very powerful way.  After the service had ended, I requested a short meeting with the pastor and the minister of worship.  I confided in them that I believed that GOD was calling me to be a prophet to the body of Christ and that my wife and I would be traveling to our country home on Monday to receive further confirmation of His calling.

The next day my wife and I loaded up the truck with suitcases and everything we will need for our week long stay at our country home.  In addition, we also loaded  a computer desk that we were donating to our country pastor and his wife and departed for the 150-mile trip.  That afternoon, we delivered the computer desk to our pastor’s home and we invited the pastor and his wife to come to our home for dinner the next evening.  On Tuesday evening we all enjoyed a wonderful meal and afterward we were sitting around the table talking.  I nervously shared with the pastor and his wife that I believed GOD was calling me to be a prophet.  As soon as I shared that information, the pastor immediately looked at his wife and with a big smile exclaimed “didn’t I tell you so.”  My wife and I were bewildered and when I inquired of the pastor what that meant, he told me that after we had delivered the desk on the previous evening  he had told his wife, “I believe that brother has the call of a prophet on his life.”   That word was the fulfillment of the confirmation that GOD had promised me He would provide if I would forego the cruise and go to our country home instead.

We returned to our home in the Dallas area on Thursday evening and later learned on the following Sunday afternoon that the 19-year old son of our pastor in Allen, Texas had become engaged in a domestic violent confrontation with a neighbor, who was also a member of the church in Allen.  On Monday evening, January 23 the son had pulled a gun and shot the neighbor in the chest over an argument.  Thankfully, the neighbor man did not die but the pastor’s son was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.  Upon receiving this word,  I received a quickening within my spirit that GOD may be using this horrible incident to chastise and correct the pastor for his arrogant and rebellious spirit that he had manifested toward GOD’S Torah at the men’s Bible study meeting the previous week.

Over the next several weeks GOD revealed to me that He was calling me to confront His pastors and under-shepherds in regards to their offence of unknowingly breaking His commandments.  He told me that I must only approach them in a spirit of truth and love and not a spirit of condemnation or anger.  He revealed to me that if they would humble themselves before GOD and become teachable that He would bless them mightily and would begin to fix them spiritually even as He had begun to do for my wife and myself.  He further revealed to me that if they responded with indifference, arrogance, obstinance or rebellion that this action would result in bringing a curse upon their life, their family, and their ministry and that He would begin to chastise and correct those who are truly His children.

Throughout the month of February 2017, GOD led me to draft and refine a 4-page document that He would ultimately have me present to Christian Pastors and Under-shepherds.  This document which took the format of a petition, is titled “The Redress of Grievances of The Almighty GOD, YaHuWaH, Against His Under-Shepherd Namely:”

After I had completed and refined the document, GOD began to reveal to me my next task.   He revealed to me, through numerous sleepless nights while I tossed and turned in my bed, that He wanted me to hand-deliver His Petition to the pastor of our church in Allen, Texas..  I must admit that I did not relish the idea of what GOD was now calling me to accomplish.  I procrastinated and wrestled with GOD over these instructions.  I began to rationalize to myself, “maybe I misunderstood what GOD was telling me to do.”  “Surely, GOD would not be calling me to add insult to injury."  Surely, the pastor was already broken enough and experiencing enough turmoil as a result of the situation regarding his son and the shooting incident.”  However, after about four weeks of me struggling with GOD, I sensed within my spirit that if I did not obey the call of GOD then I was in grave danger of being in rebellion.

Therefore, after the church service on March 19, 2017, I requested to meet privately with the pastor.  In fear and trembling I humbly and lovingly presented him with the petition, just as GOD had instructed me to do.  I told the pastor that I loved him very much and that I had been very reluctant for this day and time to come.  During our meeting, I shared with the Pastor a word from the Scriptures, Hosea 4:6, that GOD had given me specifically for him.  I also told the pastor that I sensed in my spirit that the shooting incident between his son and the neighbor was from GOD and that he was being chastised and corrected for the belligerent behavior that he had manifested toward GOD’S Torah at the men’s Bible study.  The pastor did not read the petition during our brief meeting but assured me that he will read it and get back to me in the near future so that we can talk.  When the meeting was over, I hugged the pastor and again reaffirmed my love and appreciation for him.  I then left, along with my wife Dottie, to go home with full assurance in my spirit that GOD had truly called me to be a prophet to His pastors and under-shepherds.


Gerald Barnes ~ Prophet of YaHuWaH

Disturb The Shalom, LLC

Website: www.DisturbTheShalom.com

Email: DisturbTheShalom@gmail.com