- His Name is Wonderful | Part 1 - Call Upon His Name! * יהוה * "I AM that I AM" * The Creator's Sacred Name * "LORD" is not His Name * "God" is not His Name * The Creator urges ALL to call upon His Name In this video: Discover the Heavenly Father's Sacred Name! - His Name is Wonderful | Part 2 - יהוה Yahuwah: Name of Promise * יהוה * Yahuwah * Personal Name of the Creator * Used in Scripture more than 5,500 times * Plan of Salvation found in the Father's Name * Scripture urges ALL to call upon Yahuwah In this video: Claiming the Promise in Yahuwah's Holy Name! - His Name is Wonderful | Part 4 - His Name in the Forehead - His Name is truly Wonderful & Powerful! * Powerful promise! * Transformation of mind * Reflecting Yahuwah's Character * Stunning opportunity! * The only thing taken to Heaven * Eternal inheritance In this video: Receiving the Promise of a New Name!
Do you know the name hidden under the English title of 'Lord'? Check out the other amazing 3-minute whiteboard explanation of the word "YHVH" in ancient Hebrew. You'll be amazed at the precision of the LORD found in scripture!