Law & Grace - What was Nailed to the Cross? * Colossians 2 - ANSWERS * What was nailed to the cross? * What is the "handwriting of requirements"? * What does it mean to be free in Yahushua? * What is meant by "Let no one judge you in food, drink, .
John chapter 1 verse 17 seems to suggest that grace and truth did not exist before our Messiah, and also were against what Moses wrote as the law of God. This confusion exists because of the little word...but.
John 1 says "For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ." So what does this mean? What does the surrounding context imply? How is this to be interpreted with the rest of scripture? Join us as we dig into an often mis-represented verse.
Yeshua mentioned that there will those who are considered least in the Kingdom and some who will be considered great in the kingdom. Why is this the case? And what differentiates the least in the Kingdom from those who are not allowed in at all?