The Mystery of the Melchizedek - Part 4

Want MP3 audio file to listen to or PDF file of the notes go to: How do we know what is Covenant and what is Law? What happened to the Melchizedek Priesthood? Learn the four elements of covenant that attach back to the Avraham/Abrahamic Covenant and the 19 laws that are outlined by Rav Sholiac Shaul/Rabbi Apostle Paul in the Brit Chadasha/New Testament.

The Mystery of the Melchizedek - Part 6

Want MP3 audio file to listen to or PDF file of the notes go to: What was it that was added because of transgressions? Just how many trips did Moshe/Moses make up to the top of Sinai? Discover how Moshe/Moses and Yahusha/Jesus are both Melchizedek Covenant Mediators and how a distorted, Greco/Roman, chronological lens will impact the Melchizedek revelation.

The Mystery of the Melchizedek - Part 7

Want MP3 audio file to listen to or PDF file of the notes go to: Do you want the blessings or the curses? We can now begin rightly dividing the Torah (2 Timothy 2:15) into that which is Covenant and that which is Law, that which is of Faith and that which is of Works, that which is Carnal and that which is Spirit, from Bereshith/Genesis to Gilyana/Revelation with the consistency of the Melchizedek!