Today I receive a telephone call from Amanda, my second-tier "up-line" sister in the Hebrew Roots movement. Amanda and her husband Kevin were used by YAHWEH back in 2010 to influence the awakening of a man named Rob to Torah observance, who in turn was used by GOD to influence my awakening to Torah observance through his websites and presence on the internet. I always tease Amanda and Kevin by telling them that they must surely be "Double-Diamonds" in GOD'S MLM Hebrew Roots movement. I tell them that they are going to be fabulously rich in YAHWEH'S Millennial Kingdom because they have been such a tremendous and positive influence on so many Christians awakening to GOD'S Torah observance.
It has been awhile since I have had the pleasure of talking with Amanda, so I briefly share with her the revelations that YAHWEH has recently given me about delivering His Petition in the spirit and mode of Martin Luther. Amanda is very excited about the information and she suggests that I develop a website and include the URL on the petitions that I deliver. This way, the pastors will have a link and a connection to teaching videos so that they can learn about the marvelous blessings that come from Torah observance and from obeying and walking in all of GOD'S commandments. I think this is a wonderful idea and it is confirmation of revelations that YAHWEH has already been sharing with me, even though Amanda is not aware of this. HalleluYAH! What a mighty GOD we serve.