YAHWEH'S petition is now complete and edited. GOD begins to reveal to me my next task. He reveals to me, through numerous sleepless nights while I toss and turn in my bed, that He wants me to hand-deliver His Petition to the pastor of our church in Allen, Texas. I must admit that I do not relish the idea of what GOD is now asking me to accomplish. I procrastinate and wrestle with GOD over these instructions. I begin to rationalize to myself, “maybe I am misunderstanding what GOD is telling me to do.” “Surely, YAHWEH would not be calling me to add insult to injury." "Surely, the pastor is already broken enough and experiencing enough turmoil as a result of the situation regarding his son and the shooting incident.” However, after about four weeks of me struggling with GOD, I sense within my spirit that if I do not obey the call of GOD then I am in grave danger of being in rebellion against YAHWEH.
Therefore, after the church service ends on March 19, 2017, I request to meet privately with the pastor. In fear and trembling I humbly and lovingly present him with YAHWEH's petition, just as GOD has instructed me to do. I tell the pastor that I love him very much and that I have been very reluctant for this day and time to come. During our meeting, I share with the Pastor a word from the Scriptures, Hosea 4:6, that GOD has given me specifically for him. I also tell the pastor that I sense in my spirit that the shooting incident between his son and the neighbor is from GOD and that he is being chastised and corrected for the belligerent behavior that he had manifested toward GOD’S Torah at the men’s Bible study. The pastor does not read the petition during our brief meeting but assures me that he will read it and get back to me in the near future so that we can talk. When the meeting is over, I hug the pastor and again reaffirm my love and appreciation for him. I then leave, along with my wife Dottie, to go home with full assurance in my spirit that GOD has truly called me to be a prophet to his pastors and under-shepherds.