A Powerful Calling And A Promise Of Confirmation

Over the next week GOD continues to impress on me through powerful revelations from His Word and from His Holy Spirit that He is calling me to be a prophet to the body of Christ and that my ministry will specifically be to His pastors and under-shepherds. My wife and I are scheduled to go on our first ever cruise for one-week departing Galveston, Texas on Sunday January 22, 2017.  On Monday, January 16 we drive up to our country home in Northeast Texas to retrieve some items that we will need for the cruise.  That evening we take our country pastor and his wife out for dinner.  However, I do not disclose to this pastor or his wife any information about our new Christian lifestyle or the revelations that I have been receiving from YAHWEH regarding my calling as a prophet. After dinner ends, we embark on our 150-mile return trip to our home in Grapevine, Texas and late at night as I am praying and driving, while Dottie is fast asleep, GOD specifically reveals to me that He does not want me to go on the cruise the following week that we have already paid for and booked.  He reveals to me that instead he wants us to return to our country home the following week so that He can give me further confirmation that He is calling me to be a prophet.